Parenting Hacks: Essential Apps Every New Parent Needs Now

Essential Apps for New Parents

So, you’re either about to welcome a tiny human into your life or you’ve just done so—congrats! The parenthood gig can feel like a roller coaster, but don’t fret. We’ve got some nifty apps that’ll lend a hand with all those baby-related shenanigans coming your way. Here are four goodies every new parent should check out: Ovia Pregnancy Tracker, Baby Sparks, The Wonder Weeks, and Huckleberry.

Ovia Pregnancy Tracker

Pregnancy is like a whole new world. It can make you feel like you’re part of a secret club. To stay in the loop and keep tabs on that little bean’s progress, apps like Ovia Pregnancy Tracker, BabyCentre, and Pregnancy + are lifesavers. Ovia’s your go-to mate, offering updates that match your pregnancy stage, gentle reminders about doc’s appointments, and even a little virtual clubhouse where you can swap stories with others in the same boat.

Baby Sparks

As soon as your bundle of joy decides it’s time to join the world, their little brain turns into a sponge. It’s here where Baby Sparks steps in as the superhero of brainy games. It’s got daily play routines cooked up by experts to give your kiddo’s noggin and motor skills a nudge. The activities are like mixing fun with a pinch of hidden learning—perfect for those brain-boosting play sessions.

The Wonder Weeks

Here’s the tea: babies grow and change quicker than you can say “Peekaboo!” With The Wonder Weeks app, you can sneak a peek at what’s happening upstairs in your baby’s mind. It helps you keep track of mental milestones, those quirky growth leaps, and tells you when they’re likely to be a bit more of a handful. Plus, it’s got a spot to jot down sweet memories—like the first giggle or that one time they drooled on your favourite shirt.


Sleep. Everybody needs it, especially you and your mini-you! Huckleberry’s your buddy in cracking the code of your baby’s sleep routine. It dishes out sleep tips and insights tailored to your little one’s own sleepytime styles. Crafting a smart sleep schedule gets easier, meaning happy, snuggly nights for all.

While you’re at it, you might want to add Baby Tracker to your digital toolkit. This app helps you keep tabs on feedings, sleepy time, growth charts, and even doctor’s notes. It’s like a diary of your baby’s life that helps you see patterns and tweak their routine for the better.

Dive into these apps, gear up with the wisdom they offer, and embrace the wild ride that is parenthood. They’re your co-pilots, guiding you through both the laughter and the groggy-eyed yawns as you navigate raising your little champ.

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