Getting started

Your health care team

Being cared for by the same trusted health professionals over a long period of time is called ‘continuity of care’, and it starts with your doctor (GP).


  • your doctor gets to know you and your family
  • your doctor can refer you to other health professionals
  • over time you and your family will have a team of people who get to know you well, and can give you the best medical support
  • continuity of care means treating you and your family, not just a health condition.


The best time to start getting continuity of care is when you are pregnant and start to see a doctor.

Your doctor can care for you all the way through your pregnancy, refer you to other medical specialists if needed, help you to work out the best plan for birth, and organise your birthing care through the medical system.

When you keep going to the same doctor after baby is born, they will get to know all about the health needs of you, your new baby, and every member of your family. 

To find a local doctor (GP) click here and type in your post code.

Your health care team may include: